
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Episode 3--Service Learning Project for Intercultural Communications

I am taking the basic course called " A Repertoire Approach to Intercultural Communication", which offers a hands-on introduction to the field of ICC. I didn't know how interesting and practical the course was until I took the first class, where our professor and internship advisor spent lots of time introducing Service Learning Project (SLPs) that we will be doing throughout this semester. There are several SLP sites that are offered, and each student should choose one site to work in order to write journals, reflections, and a final research paper. SLP is kind of like a volunteer work, which you don't get paid and you have to pay your transportation fees and other fees. I chose AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) program,  where I would facilitate tutorials at a local high school classroom in the area of writing, math, science, etc. I won't be able to include more information until I attend my training session this Saturday. But I am sure that this project will definitely expand my horizon and hone my skills on observational and analytical abilities. I'm looking forward to it! For any of you who is interested in ICC program, I hope that this post, or later posts will help you get a better sense of what ICC does.  Have a good weekend!

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